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Nov 25, 2023
Updates to DKIM configuration

It’s a short and sweet update from us this week. So let’s dive right in.

We have updated our DKIM configuration such that the keys required now while configuring it need to be “rhs1.domain name” and “rhs2.domain name”. This is to prevent conflicts for customers who are using SendGrid with “s1.domain name” and “s2.domain name” in use.

Improvements & Fixes
  1. Personal meeting links now support video embeds from Vimeo business accounts. Previously, you could embed videos only from Vimeo personal accounts.

  2. Fixed issues when the redirect timer wouldn’t show up at times in the scheduler.

  3. The table width for round-robin history has been fixed to stretch to full screen.

  4. The casing for the values in the routing log has been removed. Values that come in via the form will be displayed as is rather than capitalized.